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  • Karen

Christie's, Audrey & Me.

Updated: Apr 29

I've been a fan of Audrey Hepburn and of her style both on and off screen for as long as I can remember. So when Christie's in London announced the Audrey Hepburn Personal Collection auction back in September 2017, I couldn't wait to see what precious items would be up for bid!

Seeing Audrey's personal collection at Christie's the night before the live auction was like stepping into her very own wardrobe. Flicking through the catalogue I noted the items I could bid on. And as I walked around, surrounded by such lovely things, the sheepskin jacket she wore in Wait Until Dark caught my attention.

Although the jacket was not initially on my radar, up close I could admire it for what it was: an ordinary, yet wearable and fashionable piece of clothing. Even though it wasn't something I immediately associated with Audrey's style, I thought it had a different, maybe even more special appeal; Audrey decided to keep the jacket as a memento after filming. Apparently, Wait Until Dark was a film she was most proud of.

The following evening, by the time I arrived at Christie's, the auction was well underway. The buzz from the night before was now replaced by a few staff quietly chatting in the dimly lit corridors. I wasn't sure if I was too late, that it was all over before I even got there. I had no idea what I was doing - I'd never bid on anything in my life that wasn't on eBay! As I approached reception I was pointed in the direction of a brightly lit narrow hallway; like the yellow brick road, I thought and so I followed it.

Only at the end of it, I didn't find the answer to all my life's questions, but I did get to register for a bidding paddle - cool! As I retraced my steps from the night before, starting at the central staircase again, the place was now so empty. Gone were the many gems from Audrey's own personal collection - the ones that only the night before seemed to fill every available space in the auction house. Even the video loop of Audrey's various film moments that echoed throughout was now replaced by the bang of a hammer and the applause of a crowd - then quiet again, with just the rise and fall of the auctioneer's voice.

When I reached the top, I didn't know what to expect. At first I just stood on the landing, staring across into the dark, empty room opposite me and listened. A sliver of light pierced a black curtain and offered a small view into what lay beyond - it was all so exciting! The sound of the auctioneer's voice grew louder, as if the Wizard of Oz himself was urging me forward.

I took a moment alone before joining the auction to scan the empty room and visualised all the mannequins from the night before in Audrey's clothes - feeling now as though I was surrounded by their ghosts. Turning to peek through the curtain, I quietly observed the auction play out (and a spot to sit that would not bring me so much attention).

I quickly settled in and began to enjoy the experience - but it all happens so fast! As the items I noted the night before started to go one after the other - Givenchy this, Valentino that, the monogrammed jewellery box...(heaven help me!) I began to lose hope that I would manage to come away with anything special. So instead I decided to focus on the moment.

As if the decision was made for me by Audrey herself - suddenly my arm went straight in the air!

As if my silent cries had been heard, a familiar image of a mannequin wearing a sheepskin jacket appeared on the enormous screen and I heard the auctioneer announce the 'Wait Until Dark' film reference as he opened the bidding. Instantly, a hand went up from the other side of the room from a phone bid - but then - silence. The phones went silent, the online bids didn't move on the screen - the room went completely still. I heard the auctioneer call out the familiar, going once, going twice...and I just sat there thinking, wow, someone is really going to walk away with that jacket, when I thought, wait, it could be me!

And then, it happened. As I debated internally whether I should actually raise my hand at that crucial moment, it was as if the decision was made for me by Audrey herself. Because as if out of my control my arm with the bidding paddle went straight in the air! Quickly, the auctioneer turned his attention to me - followed by the whole room. Before I knew it he was announcing 'sold!' while pointing directly at me, then the familiar hammer sound, and the applause from the room rang in my ears.

Then just like that, the next item went up for bid and the attention drifted away from me. I sat there, amazed and in shock. Looking at all the people around me I wondered why they weren't all in just as much shock as I was? Did they not just see what happened? That the most ordinary person in the room just achieved something extraordinary! It was unbelievable! I mean, really, what just happened?

I'll tell you what happened - we did it, Audrey and me! I couldn't stop smiling. I practically floated back down the staircase and then the hall to give back my paddle (I thought I might get a receipt or something, but no). Leaving Christie's I remember it was raining and very late with the auction still going on behind me. And then I ran for a cab - no, skipped - no, danced (okay, I didn't sing in the rain, but I felt like it!). Before I knew it I was on a train back to Brighton playing the whole night over again in my head all the way home.

On the day the jacket arrived, several agonising weeks later, I remember thinking, what if it doesn't fit? Oh, I so want it to fit! But I needn't have worried, it fit perfectly. To be able to wear something that Audrey wore herself once is just so incredible! But then I didn't know what to exactly do with it. I thought perhaps I should use it and wear it - perhaps that's what Audrey would have wanted? And although I was tempted, I really thought it best if it were displayed to be enjoyed by many...and I knew just the place!

Having been many times before to The Museum of Style Icons (MOSI) at Newbridge Silverware in Co. Kildare, Ireland, I knew it would be the best place for the jacket and would be in the best hands. So after handing it over to the museum, there it was, behind the glass on display one day when I went for a visit several weeks later. It looked great, almost like the missing piece of a puzzle as it took its place amongst a collection of other Audrey items.

However, I must admit I missed it. After much thinking time during the lockdowns of 2020 - 2021, I decided I should wear and enjoy the jacket from now on. And even though I was so delighted to have had the jacket on display at the MOSI over the last few years and for the museum to have taken such great care of it, my daily dog walks just got a lot more stylish! I also find it interesting to think how Audrey herself was photographed in my tiny village on the Sussex coast in 1951 - on the verge of


Wearing the sheepskin jacket In Rottingdean with my dog, Daisy.

Audrey Hepburn in Rottingdean Village, 1951.

Photo: Joseph McKeown.

I really couldn't have got a better piece from Audrey's personal collection. It may not have a designer's label attached, but that's OK because she chose it, she wore it and for that I am thrilled to now own it. Besides, sheepskin jackets are timeless so I will enjoy wearing it for years to come - Thanks Audrey ;-)

-KL Stylist.

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Anneliese Daly
Anneliese Daly

that’s quite the story and what an experience. Wonderful that you shared your treasure with other Audrey fans, I’m sure it was a big hit and would have certainly added to the collection. but very glad that you decided to retrieve this treasure and wear it yourself. I’m sure Audrey would be happy to know her sheepskin jacket was giving so much pleasure.

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